
White Bellied Sea Eagles

It is the largest bird of prey on the island, with a wingspan from tip to tip of about 1.7 metres. It reaches maturity at year 5 and can live for about 35 years. They are monogamous (pair off for life). The nesting season for these birds happens between late November and early December, with usually one chick but some years possible two. At about five months from egg, the new arrival will be encouraged by its parents to hunt for food. This is done by not bringing food to the nest and thus forcing the young to fledge and towards the waters edge and learn to fish. They feed only on fish and sea snakes. As a general rule to differentiate between male & females when the birds are perched next to each other, the larger is female.


The species here are better known as Crab-eating Macaques or Long-tailed Macaques. They are omnivores, eats fruits, leaves, crabs and small mammals that they can get their hands on. The group size can be between 15 to 30 with usually one alfa male at the top of the group. Alfa males can often be displaced by another male, and is usually set for 3 to 4 years. While males comes & goes, it is the matriarchs (older females) that keeps the group together. Grooming is an important social and usually high ranking individuals enjoy longer grooming sessions, and also with more rights during feeding. Lower ranking ones will have to give way. High ranking males have more access to reproductive females (beta males can father up to 20% of infants born). Females matures at year 4.5 to 5 and will continue to reproduce till year 24. Males reach breeding age at year 7.

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